Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Why My Husband and I Choose to Practice Natural Family Planning (NFP)

“May we husbands choose to be Joseph to our wives!” ~ Saint Michael The Archangel, Bulletin, July 24, 2016

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart” ~ Jeremiah 1:5

Uh, oh! Dare I mention it?! Natural Family Planning.  Yikes!!!

I’m sure many readers cringed at the very thought or that many potential readers were turned away. But before I begin, this post is not meant to push my opinions on others, nor is it meant to judge others who choose a more secular form of birth control.  Rather, in honor of National NFP week, it is meant to shed light on Natural Family Planning (NFP) as a means for natural birth control and pregnancy achievement, and why I think it is so beautiful.  

I was first inspired to reflect on this method when I noticed a captivating article in the Church Bulletin at Saint Michael Catholic Church in Monroe, Michigan.  The article very briefly explained the postulations of NFP and why it is so beautifully accepted in regards to the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage and sex.  In essence, Natural Family Planning—or the similar, but less religiously based, Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)—is the safest, most effective, most natural method of avoiding and achieving pregnancy, when practiced correctly, carefully and meticulously, of course.  One word is key here: NATURAL.  This method respects a woman’s body and considers the beauty and freedom of married couple’s decisions to plan when to create the miracle of life. However, our secular society praises the convenience of pill-popping and other contraceptives for preventing pregnancy. Of course, it is much easier and stress-free compared to the challenging method of NFP, especially when first learning.  

To be fair, I’ll be the first to admit that I once had my go at unnatural birth control.  It was easy and took very little effort or mental focus. Who WOULDN’T want to take the easiest route?! But, I also didn’t know who I was back then, and I’m not exactly proud of my decision to do so, especially because I know that it is a grave sin in my religion.  In the short time I did partake in this, and from discussions and observations with friends, I did however, learn a lot from it.  I learned that the side effects of birth control aren’t exactly pleasurable.  I learned that, as difficult as it truly is to GET pregnant, our secular society sure does make it easy to avoid—which, in my opinion, only condones the (DARE I SAY IT?!) lazy behavior of our generation.   And most importantly, I learned that popping a pill every morning—as easy and stress free as it is—is the woman’s responsibility and her responsibility alone.  No teamwork. No support. Just the woman.  And, what should happen in today’s society of double standards if an unplanned pregnancy occurs? The majority of the responsibility and “mistake” primarily falls on that of the woman. 

I won’t go on much more about unnatural birth control because that’s not the point of this post—nor do I want to attack individuals’ or couples’ decisions to do so.  Rather, I’d like to enlighten others on why I think Natural Family Planning is so beautiful.  The Catholic Church supports Natural Family Planning because married partners work together, rather than placing sole responsibility on the woman.  The man is lovingly and respectfully involved, and couples are able to learn and grow together physically, emotionally, and spiritually through various stages of intimacy and chastity. Though it is initially quite difficult to learn, when couples work together, the relationship can only positively grow.  I won’t go into much detail about how the method—with all its intricacies and idiosyncrasies—actually works because that would take FAR too long!  Track my temperature every day?! Chart my cervical fluid?! (Yes, I just said cervical fluid…) But not to worry, there is a plethora of books out there devoted to explicating just that, as well as some amazing classes offered by Catholic Churches!   Once mastered, however, couples often feel a major sense of empowerment through their dedication and commitment to each other.  In fact, I find a great sense of satisfaction when I help explain the method (the little that I DO know!) to my friends who inquire.
Now, I know what some people might be thinking. “Those methods are a hoax. I know people who still had unplanned pregnancies while practicing such methods.”  Guess what?  My husband and I were one of those couples!  Yes, the little miracle currently growing inside of me (32 weeks and counting) was not planned, and I realized it was because I misread my chart, my own signs of ovulation, and didn’t take into account the changes my body made through travel.  A woman’s body is so unique and there are so many idiosyncrasies to take into account when truly mastering this method.  It can truly be frustrating, and I’ll admit there are days when I wish I could just take the easy way out.  However, I know that wouldn’t make me feel any better about myself.  Though I do feel like I have a pretty good understanding of fertility and pregnancy achievement/avoidance, my husband and I still realize we have much to learn!  But, the great thing about Natural Family Planning is that couples are always open to the miracle of life whether it is planned or not.  In our case, God just decided to bless us sooner than we anticipated we were ready.  Then again, is anybody ever really ready, though?  Because THAT is a whole different blog post on my emotional ups and downs and how horrified, yet excited, I truly am!  As my husband always says: “Man plans, God laughs.”  

Bottom line: the miracle of life is a beautiful gift from God.  Yes it’s scary and comes with a roller coaster of emotions, but I also know that our baby was created in His image and likeness.  And it was done so behind the equal support, openness, and efforts of my incredible, loving, humble, and Godly husband.  The article in the bulletin beautifully describes the choice of husbands to either be Adam or Joseph to their wives.  It reads:

                         The choice for a husband is clear: he can be his wife’s Adam or he can be her Joseph.  A man can stand by silently and allow his wife to suffer the physical and spiritual consequences of contraception. Or he can defend her virtue, body, and soul by using NFP.  Today (in the secular world), contraception is accepted and expected.  Any man who forgoes it for NFP will likely be exposed to ridicule and criticism.  But as St. Joseph taugh us, there are some things more important than the opinion of others. May we husbands choose to be Joseph to our wives! 

I am blessed to have a husband who chooses, without a second thought, to be my Joseph.  And, for us, that is the way it should be.  

God Bless!